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Expose 360 Showcases Plumpton College's New AgriFood Conference Centre

Expose 360, a provider of virtual tour and visual marketing solutions, has been tasked with highlighting Plumpton College's new AgriFood Conference Centre.

The state-of-the-art facilities on Plumpton College's campus will give students access to the latest technological and best practice developments in the land and environment industries. The agri-food hub is a regional centre of excellence for training, education, and skills development for the land and environment sector.

Built in the heart of the 2500-acre campus near Lewes, the AgriFood Conference Centre will provide the Agriculture, Food, and wider land management industries with up-to-date skills training and support for rural businesses post-Brexit. The two-storey building will create a network hub for rural businesses for knowledge transfer, training, and business improvement.

Some of the key features of the AgriFood Conference Centre include improved facilities for businesses and adult students to meet informally and conduct meetings. A café featuring produce from the Plumpton Estate will also be available for visitors to enjoy. Additionally, flexible and inspiring lecture theatres and conferencing facilities will accommodate up to 300 people.

The commercial training kitchens for food skills training will also be available for use by schools and the wider community and charities to provide outreach education. The AgriFood Conference Centre is set to open in Winter 2022.

Expose 360's virtual tour of the AgriFood Conference Centre will showcase its features and capabilities to potential clients and visitors. This type of marketing strategy can be an effective way to promote the centre and generate interest from the target audience.

In conclusion, Plumpton College's new AgriFood Conference Centre is a valuable addition to the land and environment industries. Its modern facilities and training programs will provide businesses and students with up-to-date skills and knowledge to thrive in the post-Brexit era. Thanks to Expose 360's virtual tour, visitors can get a glimpse of the centre's features and capabilities before it even opens its doors.


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